Go DD6th! Math on, girlfriend!

And my neck is acting up, so I'm on muscle relaxants and probably shouldn't be writing at all! I never did say that I was talking about HSing curriculum. You're good, but you're not a mindreader!

Since I'm thinking about it, I should also state that even my experience with homeschool math curriculums is--of course--limited to what I've seen. Singapore is supposed to be one of the better ones for GT kids. Yet aside from the Intensive Practice workbooks, even it seemed mostly arithmetic to me.

Saxon is supposed to be worse, and from what I've seen and heard about Aleks, it's also pretty much just arithmetic. That's fine for what it is. But it isn't conceptual and problem-solving...
DS7 is now in a homeschool math class for 9-12yos using the "Key to..." series by Rasmussen and Rosekrans. It was going great for a while, but once he got through the fractions and on to decimals, it went back to arithmetic again. And one again we're hitting the wall...the same wall we hit last year when I left Singapore's linear format and moved on to geometry. *sigh*
I have had some good luck with random workbooks picked up for cheap from Didax and Prufrock Press and such. But I've really been cobbling things together out of those. I'm afraid that Singapore's IP workbooks and Art of Problem Solving (when we get there) are about the only common formal curricula that really push problem solving and aren't so linear.
I'd *love* to hear about how wrong I am about that though, how there are all KINDS of options!