It is nice to know that I am not the only one contemplating this avenue. Do keep us posted Skyward on what you find out about the program. And read the post by Val on the other thread b/c she really gave me some great ideas on what to ask. I am still looking at all the options in our area.
And NJMom .. The idea of immersion really helps all children truly learn the language. They don't have Spanish (whatever language the school is in) as a class but teach everything in that language. They don't speak English at all during the first few years. It usually is introduced in Kindergarten or 1st grade for about 1 hr a week and builds up to 1 to 2 days a week. This is usually when they also introduce a 2nd foreign language.
As far as gifted children within immersion programs I think mom2boys hit it on the nose. There is a challenge for the child at the beginning but once they are comfortable with the language the curriculum that is taught is usually no more than other types of schools. However, the school I looked at today is about 2 years ahead of the PS in curriculum which really was eye opening for my GT denial since my DD (2 yr) has already mastered all of age 4 curriculum and a lot of kindergarten. Though not impossible to advance her still a major challenge given the size of the school (1 class per age group) which will be full.