I heard there are a lot of smart people in the valley, will there be more gifted kids than other places? How do other parents survive this crazy place?

Hi scvccmom,
I also have wondered the same thing about there being a lot of gifted children here. My DS5 entered kindergarten in the public school system this year. So far, I am not impressed w/ our class and he is not challenged. I don't want to stress too much just yet since it is only kindergarten and there is a lot of socialization to be learned as well. But, I am concerned with how first grade will be. I'm afraid that in this area the schools probably hear all the time from parents claiming their children are gifted so I'm a bit hesitant to jump on that bandwagon. I am hoping the principal will be open to meeting with us regarding the best placement for him next year.
I'm thankful for this online community where we can share information without being judged. As I'm sure you know, Silicon Valley can be very competitive.