When I say average I mean just above average, not even out of the average range. It's so puzzling. He definitely fits many of the descriptions from the link you sent. He's extremely verbal, could speak 50 words clearly when he was one, was speaking like a 5 year old when he was just 2. Has an amazing ability to understand how things work and I'm often in awe at the questions he asks and how he can point out inconsistencies in situations. He has a passion for science and is constantly performing his own "experiments" around the house -- this began w/o any prompting from me. He also has quite a natural athletic ability, could dribble a full-size basketball all the way to the park (about 0.5 mile) when he was 18 mos, first time on skis (age 3) he could ski down the mountain no problem w/o lessons, when we took his training wheels off his bike right after he turned 3 he just rode away like he'd been riding for months. He learns very quickly whether he's being taught academics or athletics. So, in my eyes and by the definitions I've seen listed he's gifted. So why such an average IQ?