
I've been reading this post with interest because I too am new to the forum and am trying to make sense of my DS's EXPLORE scores. I don't want to hijack this post but I'm wondering if I can presume upon you also, Dottie.

I've just begun homeschooling my son because we've been having behavior problems in the classroom that sound similar to cletus's. My DS has been reading books (though not too secretly) through instruction and telling the teacher that he didn't think he need to listen to the topic she was discussing because he "knows it already." He is also an Aspberger's kid and his rigidity makes it more difficult for him to accept the fact that he must wait on the others in the class or learn something he's already familiar with.

He's 10 (almost 11) and in 5th grade.

Anyhow, his EXPLORE scores are:

Composite 19
English 19
Usage/Mechanics 10
Rhetorical Skills 08
Mathematics 20
Reading 16
Science 20

I'm kind of surprised that his reading/english score is lower than the math and science. He's such an avid reader and has scored higher at other times.

Also, we recently had him tested on the Weschler and his Full Scale Score was 138. Verbal 128, Perceptual Reasoning 131, Working memory 126, processing speed 131.

He took the Terra Nova in 2nd grade (3 years ago) and tested at the 99th percentile and 90th percentile in language. Math 99% Total score 99% Science 98% and Social Studies 99%. I imagine this is "at grade level" testing which accounts for the scores. That is why I wanted him to take the EXPLORE to assess at a higher ceiling level.

Also, this year's school reading assessment (NWEA) had him in the 1100's for Lexile reading score. I can't remember what the other score was without digging through the mound on my desk.

Anyhow, Dottie, or anyone knowledgeable on the subject for that matter, can you give me some perspective? I am trying to figure out how best to school my DS and whether or not to continue homeschooling. He's begged for it for 2 years but is no missing his friends a bit. Our district has NO gifted program and though they are somewhat willing to "accomodate" us I'm not sure how much that will help us. They suggested working ahead in math or attending the next grade level in math. My only thought is, what about the other subjects in which he does well? Anyone have thoughts?

So there's our dirty laundry for all to see. It feels weird to but it all out there but I am so thankful to have found somewhere to ask these questions as I really am hesitant to talk to friends and the school kind of has their own agenda.

Thank you so much!