You should be getting an administrator guide with the CoGAT assessment. Be sure to follow the directions, especially on time and answering questions, as stated in the guide. If I remember correctly, it's very rare to complete all the questions in the given time.

I could get from the gifted assessor in our district was that the school counsellor would administer it in May - at her own pace etc. I havne't had time to research it yet. Do they give it to everyone at the end of each year, even in K?
The district my son is in, they give the CoGAT in certain grade levels. I think it may be K, 3rd, and 5th for elementary grade levels.

I think you can even request some district you live in the administer the test for your child..... which usually takes place in the summer time.

Last edited by JustAMom; 03/30/09 03:06 PM.