Update: I heard back from the school. They think that this is a problem that we shouldn't try to solve. Instead, it is a good learning experience for him to learn to be bored and to handle frustration. No comments from them on the spread between comprehension and processing speed. No comments on how to help him get his mind and hands working together. Just have him communicate his frustrations but we aren't going to look at changing anything. Oh, but I can schedule a conference if I want...

Now that I've banged my head a few times on the desk, deleted an emotional response and am feeling slightly catatonic. I'm going to go through his Evals with a fine tooth comb, list out the places that DS is struggling in terms of the eval results and set up the darn meeting. I may be looking at threatening due process.

On the home front, breaking the homework up into smaller doses is helping smile

Last edited by elh0706; 03/25/09 11:09 AM.