Kriston was one of the firsts to reply to my first post ever, and I really took it heart:

The compliment is an unmerited one. I would prefer not to post my actual scores; the ones posted are examples. When someone explained how to calculate the GAI for WAIS-III I would manipulate my personal numbers.

I am 19 and found this website and SENG with the help of a psychologist that I had emailed a couple of times explaining my long story.

Reason being, I have been tested three times and received scores in three entirely different ranges. The first test I had ever taken was the WPPSI-III, and had Davidson accepted WPPSI-III, I would have qualified according to my parents; soon after the first test, because of my age during the first administration, 7 and 3 months, the school thought it best to retest me with the WISC-III; later on I decided on my own, with knowledge of the first test, to take the WAIS-III, then the MENSA test.

This is why I post saying that I was once identified as an exceptionally gifted child, because in actuality, I can truthfully say that I don't know, nor do psychologists, my TRUE IQ - this is why I have been led to forums like this and others such as SENG.

Being diagnosed ADD/ADHD only complicates things, and the fact that my parents and I, in tandem with teachers, have noticed overexcitabilities and high academic achievement, with an IFFY IQ test see how things become fuzzy? Mensa says I qualify and so does the WPPSI, the scores of which neither of my parents can "find." Of four RELIABLE and VALID psychometric exams

The GAI is a curiosity; after being tested three times, and once with MENSA, I believe that experience prompted me to always consider the role tentativeness when given any examination. Truthfully I accept my potential and past accomplishments as confirmation of my own intellectual functioning.

I am also taking statistics, and because I have expressed to my professor my strong interest in psychometrics, he often relates it.

I google search GAI for WAIS-III; it exists, and is now the standard in reports for the WAIS-IV! GAI for WAIS-III exists, but I cannot find explicit instructions for its calculations.