Thanks Eema and Cym for sharing those great examples. I have had tons more parents that I work with that have had good experiences with their children on meds, only a handful of not so good experiences (and those really weren't major, there are just a few kids that don't ever benefit well from major side effects but doesn't really help). I will have to write some of those down to share with parents.

I am working with some parents now that are completely opposed to trying meds, and it makes me so sad because these particular kids are falling apart. No friends, not able to focus to do their work, coming home with bad behavior reports, getting depressed and not understanding what is wrong with them, bugging the crap out of teachers because they can't stop interrupting or moving around the classroom, coming home and getting lessons from parents on how to focus and pay attention (as if they have control over it and are doing this all on purpose because it's just so fun). It tears me up. Two kids that I am working with I suspect are gifted. They are clearly advanced but are falling behind because they can't even sit to focus and do their work. I see so much potential that I fear will never be met because parents have made their mind up. "No meds, no matter what"

And I love the tearing shirts apart. I have had several kids with ADHD that have had that issue as well. It made me chuckle.