We just go back from our 2nd grader school conf. While, we know he is bright (WISC-IV 135 / HIgh score in VSI 148 and low score of 97 on PSI), his teacher refuses to see that he is gifted. He is in a regular classroom and we are trying to move him to the magnet program next year. The final straw was today when she shared his winter NWEA scores: reading 211 and math 218. Fall he was in the 98th % and she said his reading was still at that but she was surprised with his math. In fact, she had never had a student with such a high score. So rather than go with that score, she decided to give him some random 3rd and 4th grade math tests. She showed us all the his wrong answers and said that proved he wasn't gifted (especially since she has not seen him perform at a gifted level in her classroom). We are really upset because she has a say if he gets into the magnet program (there are only 24 spots for 8 elementary schools). My question is how accurate is the NWEA?
