Wow, I am not so sure I can be helpful. Bullying was a big problem for me in school. And our DS16, when he was 12-13 had some problems with it..

I know many may disagree with me, but if you are struck, you must defend yourself, even if you get suspended. I am not advocating violence, or striking first. Nor fighting just to fight. But IMHO a young man must learn to stand up to the bullies of the world. For our DS, we gave him boxing lessons with his uncle. (I know nothing about boxing, but his uncle was very good) DS learned self confidence, and learned he could take a punch (Big lesson for him) He now has little issues with bullies, He also never actually had to fight the bully when he was younger. Just by being confident in himself, he was able to stand up to him without it comming to blows. I know boxing may not be the best thing, but when our then DS13 got punched hard enough to make his eyes water and his nose bleed, he learned he was still alive, and he was ok, and he could still fight back. For all the moms, please don't be upset about this old fashioned idea, but again a young man has to learn to stand up for what is right, even if it means a phisical fight. I only wish that in MS and HS, I was taught the same lessons my Stepson recieved from his uncle. Confidence in yourself and what you can do is very important to a young man.

Last edited by Edwin; 03/09/09 05:51 PM.