Well DS's teacher came today, to meet with me and it went WONDERFULLY!!!
She was going over the things they'll be learning this year, and I stopped her to let her know where my son was, that he already knew all those things and reading. She totally surprised, but excited! She told me about her friends who are kindergarden and first grade teachers of whom she will get ideas, and other things from to work with him. She said she believes every child should be challenged and be able to work at their own level. She was telling me about some books she has that would be great for him that she can bring to work with his reading. She also said she has another child she is teaching that is doing advanced things also and that she has to totally do a different lesson plan for him, and that she will do that also with my son!
So I didn't even need to show her the paperwork I found, she seemed totally ready to take on his needs! Hurray!!

Last edited by Jenafur; 10/18/07 03:29 PM.