Ugh - the socialization speech. It�s so hard to sit through. It is just so patronizing. I need to restrain myself from saying in my most sarcastic voice... �really, gosh, I really had not even considered that there could be socialization issues.�
But, given that they do seem open to working with you, I think you just need so smile and get back to the topic at hand since DS is not being skipped this year and as of now socialization is not an issue -- don�t let them get distracted with the what if�s and the down the lines.... (I am sure you have worried about that enough!).
The other thing that bugs me about this whole... �they need to stay with their age mates for socialization� nonsense is that for my DD staying with her age mates seems like it is the most socially isolating thing to do. So while 16 other kids are doing one thing, she does another.... ?? How does that promote socialization?
Just an aside... have you thought about doing the CTY math program? I thought that might be one way for my dd to get math at her level while at preschool or at home. I don�t know much about it but I was thinking of giving it a try to see if DD likes it.