When he was younger, my son would often have these items checked (bad) on his report cards and mid-term reports.
Uses time well
Listens attentively
Is quiet in class

He quite frequently, had to stay in from recess to �write sentences�. I just shook my head at the practice of denying recess to an antsy and bored boy!

These items, which I consider more important, were never checked;
Respects authority
Takes personal responsibility
Is courteous and respectful of others
Is prepared for class
And, by the way, his grades were good.

Not that he was perfectly behaved at all times, but, when I spoke to his teachers regarding this problem behavior, their speech often revealed how they �felt� about him, rather than true problem behavior. On teacher, for instance, told me that he �bugged� the other children which she continued to define as meaning that they didn�t like him.

I advise that you talk to your child�s teacher soon and ask for examples of bad behavior to determine whether to address the issue or just wait for the next teacher.

Your daughters examples sound like typical gifted behavior when underchallenged.