Hi NJmom. My son is the exact same way. He was in 1st grade in PS and teacher agreed he was very advanced in math so they put a computer in the back of the room for him to work on during math. My son was still very sensitive to all the classroom stimulation (OE). It wasn't enough for him. She then started to focus on his "weaknesses" i.e. handwriting, disorganization, etc. They started a behavior plan which sent me fuming. smile He was starting to have meltdowns everyday. Once they refused to grade skip him or test him, I pulled him out. I know this is not an option for everyone. I reread "Losing our Minds" by Dr. Deborah Ruf and researched the personality profiles she talks about (MBTI&Myers-Briggs). Here is a link http://www.personalitypathways.com/MBTI_intro.html
It breaks it down why some GT kids sit there and tolerate mindless learning and why some do not. My son is in the "Do NOT" category. They also tried the ADHD label but our psychologist agree with me that he did not show it across the board. Yes he is high-energy but it runs in our families (DH and mine). HTH