EngineerMom and Lmom-

I feel your pain. I think that the lack of schools is probably because not every gifted family can afford private school, and we are talking about maybe 5 percent of the student population. (In an area with 5000 children in school, 5% is just 250 students - nearly all of them would have to attend the same school to support it).

For some help, though, I will offer you this. When I was starting HS, my family moved from a large school district with gifted grouping to a rural area with no differentiation. I convinced the school to let me take college classes and have them count for my grades in HS, and they went along with it, and the university costs were reduced. I suggest that (for your DS12, at least), you talk to state colleges to see what sort of dual enrollment options they have. Best of luck.

For me, GT means Georgia Tech.