DD was allergic to eggs, milk, peanuts and tree nuts as an infant and toddler. At age 3, she outgrew the egg and milk allergies. She is also allergic to amoxicillin. She is still allergic to peanuts and nuts and has an epipen with her at all times. She reacts with hives if she touches furniture, play equipment, etc. that has traces of peanuts smeared on it. She also has environmental allergies and is on daily antihistamines.

DS was allergic to eggs and milk until he outgrew the milk at age 3. The allergist is very surprised that he has not outgrown the egg allergy. In fact, he tests more sensitive than before and his allergy is severe. He cannot tolerate flu shots because the vaccine is cultured in eggs. The last time he had a flu shot he had chronic hives for a month and had to be on multiple meds. to control the reaction. His environmental allergies are not too bad, but he is sensitive to artificial food coloring (hives.)

We have an egg, peanut and nut free house so I don't have to worry about someone accidentally eating the wrong thing or contaminated cutting boards or utensils.