Originally Posted by Kcab
DD (who I'm more likely to call A) 10, 5th grade - was well served in our former (Ruf Type III) school district. She was generally in the top ranks of her class there but the differential between her and average was not as large as it is in her current school (public, good reputation & attended by many children w parents in academia, so we thought it would be good!). Also, classroom behavior & social issues were addressed well at former school. She's the source of my more pressing school-related problems, which I may end up posting about elsewhere but in a nutshell are 1) how to keep her challenged & keep her from hiding intelligence and 2) how to deal with difficulties that are coming up at least partly due to her being ahead of age group peers.

Well, keeping a gifted kid challenged is key - particularly for our "go-with-the-flow" girls. What do you estimate her LOG (level of giftedness)? Have you had private IQ/Achievment for A or B?

What are your alternatives?

What are her interests?

Exactly what kind of difficulties are happening at this point with her agemates?

When will your DD start a new school. Next year? Is this year the building's first year?

Here's a general bit of advice - do you have any bright, high achieving female friends who you could encourage to strike up a friendship with DD? What would any of us have given for same-sex role models at that age?

Best Wishes,

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