We live in Colorado and went to the GDC for testing. We were very pleased. In fact, I'd like to re-test dd7 and also maybe test ds5 and ds5 if I could convince DH to cough up the money. We're spending so much lately on specific things, I don't think he'll go for it. Maybe we'll re-do dd and then do the boys next year...

The only thing I'd like to change about the experience was the final report. It included a lot of background info, which had been provided by me on the forms. I didn't think that any of it was really relevant to entry into a gifted program (or at least more personal/private, stuff I wouldn't tell a school even if it were relevant), if we had been planning to use the report for that purpose. In the future, I'll ask that the written report leave that out, and stick to the basic test results and recommendations.

It was pricey but included a 2-hour conference - come with a list of questions!

They were really great with dd. DD is very introverted (she had just turned 6 at the time, almost two yrs ago). The tester was able to get her to answer through a stuffed animal LOL. Now she's come out of her shell a lot more and will probably talk the tester's ear off....

They are also great with recognizing 2E issues, and making recommendations regarding further diagnosis, treatment and accommodations for them.