Originally Posted by NCmom
But part of me says "treat the child, not the number" so I guess DH and I still have some thinking to do. We didn't think he'd score that high. I guess that's part of the denial you all talk about, eh?

I would say that the vast majority of us here agree with that philosophy...It's just that the number(s) usually tell you a good bit about the child and what s/he needs in terms of challenge. Personality matters a lot. Learning style matters a lot. But regardless of factors like tht, virtually every HG+ child is going to need some sort of adaptations to a traditional school situation. The adaptations will vary according to the child, but something different is almost certainly going to be warranted to meet the child's special needs. I think it's good to know that going into all this. Forwarned is forearmed!

As for the GT denial: you're in good company! Is there anyone here who hasn't suffered at least a mild case? crazy laugh But I'll also say that the sooner you can get past it, the better you'll be doing for your child.

Time to roll up the old sleeves and get to work! grin
