Thank you for posting and I am really curious how the process works for you b/c I am one of them with a toddler and finding this information early really helps. At least I hope! We all want to be proactive with our kids and I know I have read it a few times about us parents with toddlers and how much further we are for discovering the GT now versus later. I really do hope we are and I am still weighing it against are we (meaning me) expecting too much since I opened this can of worms? I am always questioning my actions and hoping I am not pushing her but wanting to make sure I give her opportunities. Definitely another topic I am sure but I guess I am saying that we (with the toddlers) have the double edge sword to contend with.

I did have a parent of a profoundly gifted 5 year old talk to me (given what she knows of my DD) and suggest that I prepare a portfolio about DD to have it ready for the schools. Has anyone done this with their toddlers and if so did it help with the school process?