Thanks to Dottie's input, I am beginning to see that she isn't so much behind, as just on track for her age in that particular area. I guess we just aren't used to seeing that since she is advanced in science and math.

I will definately have to look into some of these. I feel so inept in teaching writing. My oldest just turned nine. She would have been in fourth grade, they were hoping to move her to at least fifth grade if she stayed in public school. She is home and her WJ puts her at 8-10 in writing samples. So she's not as behind for her actual age, just for the grades she was grouped in for overall classes. Now that she is homeschooling it should be easier to meet her needs, I just don't where to begin. Hence the writing tutor, who is one of her past public teachers that she adored who will at least give me a starting point; definately not something I could afford long term.

I really appreciate the input. I am going to spend a more time looking at the Voyages in English to see if maybe I'm using it wrong and look into others that you guys suggested.

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