Just thought I'd mention a couple of science magazines that the boys get, in case anyone else might be interested.

Yes Mag: The Science Magazine for Adventurous Minds.
Know: The Science Magazine for Curious Kids.

Available from www.yesmag.ca . They're each $25 Cdn for six issues (plus $3 for extra postage if you're in the US; our dollar is about 80 cents right now). Yes says it's for ages 10 to 15, though Harpo (7) likes it a lot; Know is for ages 6 to 9, according to the publisher (Chico (3) likes this one a lot) (Groucho-5- likes 'em both, bless him).

There's a nice variety of articles, some short and some long (the cover story is usually around 12-14 pages, so there's some depth there, particularly in Yes), and a pretty good range of topics (astronomy, chemistry, biology, microbiology, palaeontology, environmental studies in most issues). This month's cover story in Yes, for instance, is celebrating the bicentenary of Charles Darwin's birth. Shorter articles in this issue are on the space station, environmental impacts of milk packaging, bisphenol A, penguins, crocodile eggs, tardigrades, Galileo's telescope, and studies of wolves' howls and of how many calories are burned by drumming. There's usually one hands-on activity in each issue, too.


PS Forgot to mention another thing I like--there is NO outside advertising in these magazines.

Last edited by minniemarx; 12/31/08 08:14 PM. Reason: added ps