Hi Ania,

It sounds like a terrific plan. I particularly like the year abroad (are you all going or is this something he'd do independently, like an exchange program?). The hour commute is something I couldn't handle, with 4 involved kids and a busy husband who can't help with carpool, but I applaud you for finding the best options (and for being willing to make those sacrifices). You mentioned that he's developing lots of friends this year--does he care if his friends go to different schools, or are some considering the same plan?

My oldest seems to be coasting in high school (this is 3 wks into freshman year). Even with all honors and pre-AP classes, he has very little homework and can easily practice soccer for 3 hrs every day (plus go to games). He has a great social network and I know he enjoys that, but I'm disappointed that he wouldn't let me advocate for him to go right into some AP classes. I've printed off some distance learning courses for him to consider--this week is the last week of registration for JH CTY classes. In retrospect, that hard honors algebra course from Stanford EPGY last year makes this yr's pre ap Alg 2 course look easy. I guess what I'm trying to say is, you're lucky Ghost lets you help him. Do it while you can, because mine is being a little obstinate (or perhaps just indecisive) and I hate to have him waste his time. I've heard others say on this blog--relax, it's ok. I'm trying to let him be, but it's hard.