Sharona, it's Hoosier again!! I have to laugh because I've been interested in the threads you've started because they are the same issues I'm having with my DD. It's nice to know there's someone out there just like our family with crazy children. smile And I do mean "crazy" in the most heart-felt way imaginable.

My DD is also bossy. She tells her playmates what to do all of the time, unless she's greatly out-numbered with unfamiliar people. She even tries to tell me what to do: "Don't you look at me, Mommy!" Sigh!!

I think these kinds of kids are harder to manage, but my hope is that her strong will and independence will help keep her out of trouble as she grows into adolescence. Hopefully DD will have the guts to stand up to a group of people or a friend when they present her with drugs or alcohol, or a pushy boyfriend wanting to have sex, etc. That's the positive side I see to this.

But for now, it's just exhausting. smile

-- Hoosier

Last edited by HoosierMommy; 12/18/08 11:33 AM.