You are a wealth of information. I love this forum!!

I was asking about the depressed score as it related to our own situation. We were told that our son answered most every question available to him that is why the test took hours.
We were only able to get scores for 4 subtests, no composites because of his age. I never asked the psychologist for the raw scores, maybe I should have. She has no gifted experience and in hindsight, I wonder if we should have taken him somewhere else. But he really liked her and she took her time with him so I know he gave it his all. Whether she knows how to interpret that is another story.

We found Ruf�s levels quite helpful, and when coupled with these scores, even if they are not the truest indicators of how high his achievement levels might be or even his IQ score, we know he is a level 4. So regardless of the numbers, we have enough information to know that we have such a huge responsibility on our shoulders to continue to nurture his love of learning, and continue to seek out ways to do that while keeping him grounded and challenged all the same.

This forum continues to be my lifeline to all of this. I find I just can�t talk to anyone about this in my �real� world. We are anxious to get our application in to DYS in October and hopefully our son will get accepted. From everything I�ve read, it is all that this forum provides and so much more.