I think a good preschool can be a great experience for GT kids.

No offense, Grin, but my mom--the one who started a GT support group for families way back in the mid-70s, complete with enrichment classes for GT kids--ran a preschool until her retirement that was a GT kid's dream school! There was a treehouse on stilts in the playroom, complete with pulleys and science-y gear, including a microscope. They could build things using real saws and hammers. (They had to put on safety gloves and goggles first.) They talked about why you can't make a square bubble and how circuits worked. They painted their answers to questions in pictures on the windows and made their own books and newspapers. My dad, the woodworker, made them puzzles and wooden toys and things to ride on in the gym. I'm telling you, it was the greatest place for kids I've ever seen!

Obviously not all preschools are like that. But I've seen others that fared darn well, even in comparison to my mom's school. The one DS4 is in is quite good. The teacher came in the first day and saw how bright all the kids in the class are, said to herself, "Oh, I'm not going to be able to start from the beginning this year! They're already way ahead of that!" And she shifted gears. None of the parents had to argue for acceleration; she just saw what was up and moved ahead.

My point is that there are pre-K programs out there that are really, really good for GT kids! And a good preschool is a fabulous experience for child and parent. No, certainly not every child needs to go to preschool. All kids are different. But I think there's a lot that most children can gain from a good program. And without the shackles of required testing and national standards and whatever that come with elementary school, kids are much more free in preschool to explore and to learn what they're ready for. It's one of the last times they get to go at their own timetable. Plus, preschool can offer a lot more new things to try than home can. By age 3, a GT kid is often ready for more than Mom is giving, and preschool can fill that need for the new. Short days, lots of stimulation, and time away from mom: what's not to like?

Just pick a good program and a good teacher. That's the key.

Just my totally biased opinion! wink
