He is taking the Wiat II on Wednesday this week. We decided that we could be more effective advocates for him if we had additional evidence not to mention it would help getting him into the DYS program. Schools seem to be more interested in achievement scores than IQ.

With regards to enrichment at home does anyone else have a problem being the one offering the enrichment? My son excels when he works with teachers or testers (I think he likes the attention) but with us he really is not interested in studying. We do our best to make it interesting or entertaining but he is never that enthusiastic. If we take him to museums or let him determine what he wants to learn then it works. But sitting down doing math worksheets or reading is not a big hit. I guess that is why we are looking at tutors. I have contacts at the local university so I might look there for students that might be interested in working with him. He LOVES science. Anything science related he eats up.

I'm reluctant to bring this up but we do have another option for school that we have been hesitant to pursue. There is a program in our public school system that is only for PG kids. The concern we have is it is in a very bad school. Low scores for the general population. They have taken guns away from elementary school students. Had lockdowns at the schools while the police search for criminals in the neighborhood. It is in a high crime neighborhood with a growing violent gang influence. We would be reluctant to go to any school activities at night due to the crime in the neighborhood. As much as we think the education might be what he needs the safety issue outweighs the benefits for us. Any comments?