My DS 7 has had handwriting issues during all of Kinder and 1st grade; he also hates to color. It would take him forever to finish up a writing assignment in class, when I know he can make up all sorts of complex and elaborate stories in his head - he just has a problem writing it all down.

In our meeting before the 2006-07 SY came to an end, where we all agreed a grade skip for my son this school year to 3rd grade with 5th grade reading, was the best route for him, our Clark County HG rep brought up his handwriting issues because she's also had the opportunity to work with him for a few weeks during our SENG workshops. She mentioned the HG Program would be willing to donate a laptop for my son's use to the school if they will allow him to just type out his writing assignments. The principal, however, said she wants to see my son try his best at first, and should there really be no improvement, then that's when they will allow him to use a laptop.

I think the principal made a good call regarding this, as she was able to compromise the need for my son to realize that he still needs to try and fit in with his classmates, to do the same work they have to do, and that just because he skipped a grade, he doesn't really get any "special" attention -- with the need to accept alternatives if my son still isn't able to communicate his thoughts well through writing.