My poor Miss 4 has had a shocker of a week. She imploded last week in a spectacular fashion and has been having major, MAJOR meltdowns for a week and has generally been hyper sensitive for about a month. She's so not herself. She's normally a happy, resilient, curious and sweet little thing but not so at the moment. Her mind is racing a million miles per hour. Everyone in the household is exhausted.

Yesterday, she was unable to complete a written assigment given to her by her teacher (a letter to santa). She ended up underneath the table in tears and the teacher noted that she just wasn't able to complete the task independently. She cried that she hated writing, was unable to do it, etc. and the teacher felt that the assignment was putting her under way too much pressure. And now the principal has called asking me to re-think Miss 4's acceleration plans next year. She doesn't think she's up to it. And I'm ready to crawl under my bed and have a good howl...

Thoughts/advice welcome... jojo