Originally Posted by Kriston
No, Austin! I hadn't seen those. Thanks!

I confess, I rarely pay full-price for books, but the math one seemed totally worth it. Now I have to look into the science ones. At least there are used ones available for less!

I like the online math dictionary, too, but it isn't nearly as complete as the Usborne one. Seriously, it's amazing! (And no, I do not work for Usborne!) I found myself wondering how they crammed all of that info into such a slim little book. I actually sat down and read it cover-to-cover. And I'm an English major! I don't do stuff like that!

It's REALLY well done! My highest praise!

I clearly recall my mom bring home a "hows it work" picture book when I was four years old. I memorized that thing. I also got a "Animals A-Z" set near the same time and devoured it. All pics with some text.

I think you are a closet mathematician, you just have yet to find the right notation!!

Its ALL notation!!!