This is interesting. I never gave much thought to this before reading it here. My situation is a bit different, as I have two from the first marriage, both gifted but maybe in the range of Ruf level 2. Then there are two of my husband's from previous relationships - neither one gifted. Then there are the two he and I have together. Son who seems to be Ruf level 3-4, daughter whose level/giftedness is not yet determined but seems evident in some behaviors and learning.

I have to say that the only way the giftedness would play into any family planning would be in regards to the intensity level. I say over and over how much more intense these last two are. And how much more difficult it is to raise them, meet their needs and understand them. The others were easy compared to these two - and I raised the first two as a single parent for 13 years! So, I guess I could certainly see how having a PG kid who is so intense and has such needs might be like having a profoundly disabled child who takes so much energy and time that the parents have to think hard before having more. After having these two, I'm certainly done! Even if I wasn't as old the hills and could even remotely consider actually having more! I'm too tired!