Finger Licken' Good Points, CFK! (DS and DH are big KFC fans.)
Even when things went badly for my DS11 in school, he often learned important lessons that I wouldn't have figured out how to provide him with an opportunity to learn. He started playing Trombone, as a 4th grader, and loved the chance to work with a group of kids. Unfortunatly, for us, the emotional price tag at the public school was too high, so now we have the pain in the pocket at private school.

Wow are you lucky that the one who want's to grade leap and bound is the older of the two! Nice how that worked out. Have you bumped into any ideas for "gap year" programs for your DS10 when he finishes high school level education? There is a email list about early college on the YSP program that might be helpful for you if you can get in to YSP. One of our local friends does college classes and middle and high school classes all mixed together. Yes, his mom and grandma do lots of the driving, but he seems happy. When his mom was introducing herself to a teen, I overheard her say, "So, what gradeS are you in?" as naturally as you could want. I've also heard stories of a boy who went to Community College during Middle school, and then started High School with his age mates, taking a lot of electives. He didn't say so, but I got the distinct impression that he had become intersted in exploring dating. I think that what is so wonderful about parenting these kids it that once they set their mind to something...step back and enjoy the view.


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