I've usually not had him in the conference but I'm thinking this is the right thing at the right time. He's coming home telling me how class is getting boring, he needs to learn how to become part of the solution to fixing his problem. He also needs some coaching on how to present his problem with being bored without offending his teachers! I think these are skills that are appropriate for him to learn at this time, especially since he'll be given a self-assessment sheet by the teachers! I'm thinking about what he can say about his work/study habits...
I get really good grades but all I do in math is read my AR books while the other kids are working on math. I get all 100's in science, but I'd like to use a microscope and study more about botany. I like social studies and one time I even had homework--that was so fun! Actually I love homework, if it's not just a page of math problems that I was able to do last year. I do them, but they only take 5 minutes. I wish I had some good homework...

One side note, he is the only kid in his class that got a speaking part in a music program the 4th & 5th graders are doing. It's a program about the Civil War. His part is a soldier talking about 'all they do is drill'. I heard him do it when I went to school. The teacher complimented his delivery, it had a 'wonderful tone expressing the tedious boredom the soldier was experiencing'! Hahaha, he's had some practice with that tone!