Thank you, everybody for the warm and "brainy" welcome.
It is Ok LMOM. The initial testing was done just for the
purpose of the local gifted school. I was just wondering
how do the tests work. And had not that big concern for
Davidson anyway. Nothing was expected, so no sorry feelings.
The tests are little confusing, now comparing other scores with
different ceilings at different age level. But that is ok,
it was just puzzling me, that is all.
My main concern is,that I don't miss anything or do something
wrong with the way my son is growing. My family and everybody
is reacting with the results as "Wow, this is great." But I am
almost overwhelmed with the added responsibility. We are just
a regular family, no scholars or anything in that league. So far he has learned everything sort of by him self, we are looking up answers to his questions constantly. But I don't know if I am doing enough for him. If you understand what I mean.
The psychologist told me, that she does not think that public
gifted would be a good fit, since it would be too slow for him.
Somebody also suggested (sorry I don't know all your names yet)
to skip into the first grade, and I will have to look into it.
My DS has a very strong OE, he does not have a problem to sit still, but all the feelings and senses are just so multiplied,
that I am afraid that he will have a hard time adjusting to
classroom and other children. I don't know if it makes any difference going into K vs. 1st, as far as social issues go.
Anyway, thank you so much.

IF we would decide to test again further along, what would be the
best way to go, then?