Originally Posted by Kriston
What do you mean "afford it?" Unless you're talking about quitting work to homeschool--in which case, it might be an expensive option for you--.

Yep, that is what I'm talking about. This year I will be a freelance teacher at a local art center. When I am not teaching I will be making and then trying to sell paintings. Which is time consuming and exhausting, but I love it. My husband is a freelance photographer. While we sort of make our own hours it would be tough juggling making a living and teaching him.

I sort of worry about what and how to teach him, but really that would be more about what to include and what to exclude. If we some how got a small winfall and I was able to do it, I think I could easily handle most of it. But he's really is ready to learn programing, we would have to find someone to teach him that. Also he wants to learn guitar. I am not musical- I can't afford lessons. I have tried to work out a trade with some local people who teach it. But no one wants to trade.