My guess is that sometimes urgency is justified and sometimes just a side effect of our own overexcitabilities. Sit down and write out the 'whys' under your feelings. Spending time observing in both your son's classroom and possible target classrooms may help you become more clear about your feelings.

Mid year gradeskips can be lovely, particularly in the early elementary years. After the holiday break it can make for a nice change. Also - since you don't have the gradeskip yet, you may as well evaluate the teacher, as a gem almost always overules a skip.

LOG, level of giftedness, supports your observation that some gifted children are well accomidated with pull out programs, and some are left hanging by them. LOG is sort of a 'new' concept, but here, we 'get' it.

I don't think it is too soon to put, in writing (not email) a request for an evaluation of your son with an eye towards a gradeskip. Even if you ultimatly decide that it isn't the right thing to do, other accomidations, such as subject accelerations, might come from it.

Best Wishes,

P.S. We have neither GATE classes nor GATE coordinators.

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