Originally Posted by Brittany
This question started a lot of input of different resources, study ideas, how to discuss with a young one, etc.

So, they wanted to share. That is all whitnessing is.
Do you see what I'm saying? It is simply sharing a resource. Whether it be eternal life through Christ or an earthly materialist religion that Jane Doe has chosen... if you share about it you are whitnessing.

So, for us to all be kind and tolerant to everyone here about every book that was offered up, every class, every religion, every view, every whitness, and then to single out someone that suggested the Bible -because of it's huge effect on the world, the fact that the kid mentioned will be greatly exposed to it, that a knowledge base from mom would be helpful, and it is something they've found valuable- is, frankly intolerant, and, okay.... I'll say it... rude.

I'm sorry. I'm not really offended because this is so common in our culture. I hope I don't sound upset because I really am not... and I know you guys mean the best for each other... but it had to be said. I think calling what you all do "advice" and then saying that talking about the Bible is forcing ones will on others is quite a double standard. I know no one realized that... I'm not blaming anyone... I just think we should all be aware.

I think you may have misunderstood what other posters were speaking about. (Others, please correct me if I'm wrong here).

I understood that people here were asking "How can I let my child learn about different belief systems?" The discussion as I saw it was in a neutral way. No one was advocating a particular belief system. To me, at least, your messages came across as promoting one system over others.

For example, your post quoted above contrasts "eternal life through Jesus" with an "earthly materialist religion" (whatever that means?). To me, this statement, as well as others you've made, come across as judgmental and favoring one belief system over another. Other messages that say "I'll look at that book that someone recommended" didn't come across that way. The other posts discuss religious beliefs in a neutral manner. Yours don't.

Witnessing is defined as evangelism for the purpose of converting people to christianity. It is not a neutral approach. I'm not convinced by your assertions that you're simply "sharing" when everything I've read about witnessing indicates that its purpose is to convert new believers. This is what other posters were asking we avoid.

Also, you've stated you were "single[d] out" because you brought up the bible. This statement is false. Many people mentioned the bible. The point we're discussing now was that someone asked, in a polite and constructive way, that we all avoid evangelizing. I think that's fair.

And if you weren't evangelizing, there shouldn't have been anything to get upset about, right?
