Neither DH nor I play chess, but DS6 decided he wanted to learn (I didn't know he even knew what chess was). He got some books from the library, read through them and then asked if he could look online for a how-to website. He whipped through that in a couple of nights. At that point we didn't even own a chess board. I signed him up for a chess club through one of the homeschooling groups and bought him a learner set. He did fantastic for never having played before- he even won a game.

DS6 asked me to learn to play and then I taught DH, DS6 taught DS4 to play and they both have managed to win a couple of games over DH and I. DS6's ability to see ahead in the game completely amazes me. He'll tell us that a move is bad because if we move it there then in 4 or 5 moves he'll have taken our piece, lol. It took us a while to convince him that he wasn't the only one strategizing and we weren't going to just sit there and let him take it.

I think it's funny that a month ago none of us played chess and now we're constantly challenging each other to a game!