What is the school using the MAP testing for? Our schools were testing 3 x per year initially, but then decided to test only once per year for kids "on track". They save more frequent testing for kids who are considered behind. And for the top kids, they provided the next level up which they said keeps testing time down. If the schools are using the information for useful instruction, then I wouldn't change a thing. But if they're offering the same curriculum no matter what MAP shows, then might be worthwhile decreasing the number of tests.

Does he enjoy the test? If so, I'd let him continue to take the time. Since he's good at it, it may be more stimulating for him than the work he is missing. My 2E was always good at standardized tests too. And struggled with the classwork where he was totally inconsistent in his work product. MAP testing was fun for him and a place to shine. We were sad when they reduced the testing.

He will be moving into timed testing at some point around middle school, but he's young and the way he approaches life is absolutely perfect.