Thank you for the helpful reply! He is not grade accelerated. We live in Spain and children go to high school at age 12. So far, he has been in a mixed-age and ability classroom, although I guess at least some of his classmates are probably also gifted (this is a small private school with a high percentage of children that don't do well in public school, so there are relatively many non-neurotypical students.)
Regarding the 2E, I wouldn't be surprised if he had some degree of ADHD. I suspect I have it myself. I guess the test will give us more information.
You have nailed it regarding his gregarious nature. Just today I told his teacher DS is not trying to gain her approval, but his peers?. I suspect he has been underperforming on purpose since he began school just to fit in, and even though he now wants to be "smart", I suspect he has been disengaging for so long that he is having trouble catching up. It is not that he is below average, but probably not performing as well as he could.
Regarding the focus of the test, last time he was tested at a unit belonging to our local University that specializes in giftedness, while this time he will be tested at school by someone in charge of diagnosing all kinds of learning disabilities, although they are aware he has previously scored as gifted.
Last edited by Isabel; 12/04/23 06:13 PM.