The teacher is a great guy, clearly a gifted adult himself. So much about the way his brain works reminds me of my children, but especially my son.

DS loved Alcumus when he used to play with it in fourth and fifth grade. He's always wanted to "dive in" and "break his brain" rather than to be taught with too much explicit detail, and he is really enjoying MOEMS. I think it would be a really good fit.
I'm just worried about negotiating with the school to be awarded high school credit. When I asked back in sixth grade if we could consider online options as an alternative to school classes, the counselor directed me to choose only from already-approved and accredited programs listed by the state. I worry it would be an uphill battle to try to get AOPS accepted.
I also wonder if any other math-talented kids have made school math work for them. Maybe I'm borrowing trouble by trying to find alternatives? Maybe if he just can get through the non-rigorous stuff now, he can fill in his own gaps when he finally gets access to more-rigorous instruction at the university level? He's good with math and problem solving, but his current passions are more around circuitry and coding, so he's much less likely to explore it on his own right now, and maybe I shouldn't push it?