Hello � New member here. Forgive me if this isn�t the right place to post or if my questions are not appropriate. Background: My 9 yr old had a special ed re-evaluation this winter. Some areas of WISC showed a 20-point increase. Likely explanation is that her perfectionism affected the score at 6 yrs 0 months when she took it the first time, though it was still high back then. Also, that psychologist told me she stopped some of the test because my daughter was too distraught when she didn�t know the answers. Anyway, I found out about DYS program while searching for resources to help with our situation. For school, she has gone from public to private to unplanned and sudden homeschooling. We live in a rural area with limited resources. She is also 2E, with social-emotional struggle, no learning disability that affects academic achievement. I am working on an application and hoping this program is a good fit for us. Her scores meet the requirement. My question is about the parent form. I am guessing that reviewers would appreciate brief and concise answers, but our situation isn�t easily explained. I�m struggling with what to include and also seem to be going more in depth on a few questions to give the whole picture. How should I approach the application? How many do they review per month? Thanks for any guidance or maybe I just need reassurance