I run a gifted club and I require gifted scores.

The local gifted association once ran a club where gifted IQs were necessary but there weren't too many participants; however, it was a successful club in terms of quality. Then, somehow, parents of average children joined the board of the association and changed the rules and made everyone allowed to join. Suddenly there were a hundred average kids joining and they couldn't handle to learning. So it got dumbed down and all the actual gifted kids left (hence why I started a club). So all that's left now in the gifted association is a club for average kids.

I think that there will probably be parents teaching their kids to pass the IQ test; however, as long as you don't dumb down the learning then it'll be fine.

I run two clubs: one for gifted and one for PG kids. I suspect a few have faked the assessments given. It's unfortunate that parents have to ruin things for their kids.

Is there anyway you can access an achievement test that is two years above level? That might be a start. If everyone is allowed to join that's going to be one big club.