
Until you have five posts, your posts will have to wind their way through moderation. That's why this didn't show up immediately, nor receive immediate responses.

According to the formal criteria, your DS needs two 145s from among VCI, VSI, or FRI, or a 145 from GAI or FSIQ. From what I've seen, other posters have had DCs qualify with very close scores, such as your son's GAI. I have not sent applications for any of my DCs, but my opinion (not advice) is that it can't hurt to send in an application. What's the worst thing that can happen? They say "no", and your situation is unchanged.

And BTW, those are quite good scores. It may also be that the VSI scores have been artifactually lowered a little by his age-appropriate PSI (the VSI tasks are timed), in which case, it is possible that a future administration (in two or three years) may see increases in the VSI. At which point, he may qualify without hedging.

...pronounced like the long vowel and first letter of the alphabet...