My DS8's WISC V scores are as follows.
Raw scores
Block design 17
Similarities 19
Matrix reasoning 18
Digit span 19
Coding 15
Vocabulary 19
Figure weights 18
Picture Span 19
Visual puzzles 17
Symbol search 11

FSIQ 153 (>99.9th)
GAI 151 (>99.9th)

The psychologist mentioned that he was extremely focussed, sincere and did really well. He mentioned that his vocabulary is huge and that he answered in great detail. Two of his composite scores are above 145 and 3 of those are >150. However his processing speed composite is 116. The psychologist says this is commonly observed in HG kids as they tend to overthink and that can slow them down. He will send me a detailed report in a couple of days.
Please provide your insights on the processing speed as well as the rest of the scores. Thanks.

Last edited by ss62; 02/19/18 06:51 PM.