The thing I like about the omnifix cubes as that they fit together in such a way that you have to preplan what you are building before you buitd it. Let's see if I can put this into words that make sense.

If you have four cubes and you plug one cube on top of one and another to the side of the bottom one, you can't put one in the corner to make a four cube square.

Does that make sense. So you can't just build up and onto. You kind of have to envision what you want to build and take this into consideration before you start building.

It's an awesome math manipulative for spatial and 3-D thinking.

The 3D problem solving book says grade 6-12, but for sure our 8 year olds can work in it no problem. Even DD6 can do some of it. She plays with it even when we aren't doing guided learning.

I bought 500 and with two kids working together that works pretty well. But if money wasn't an object, I'd buy 500 more!

I don't know if these are similar blocks to the Singapore ones Kriston is talking about, I haven't seen those.