Welcome! smile

You've received great advice above.

I'll just add three things:
1) A selection of the GHF Brochures, available free online at Gifted Homeschoolers Forum may help you describe your child. The brochures may be printed and brought to your appointment. For example:
- The Healthcare Provider's Guide to Gifted Children,
- Twice Exceptional - Smart Kids with Learning Differences

2) Make a factual list of what you've observed and carry the list along with you to the appointment, to keep you focused as you describe your child.

Plan to leave any list(s) and brochure(s) with the healthcare professional... doctor, pediatrician, neuro, etc

3) Begin a file at home in which you'll keep documentation for possible future advocacy
- milestones
- observations
- medical records
- dated copies of the list(s) and brochure(s) brought to pediatrician's office
- test results