Originally Posted by Archie
I don't know how much more I can take from teachers disregarding IEPs.
In case it may be of help to you, here is a link to the wrightslaw website which specifically discusses enforcement of IEPs.

Originally Posted by Archie
His friends are nice, but they are very immature. He can handle them at school, but he's not interested otherwise. I think if he had it his way he'd be friends with mathy kids five years older.
OK, got it. Is there another potential source of intellectual peers you might be able to tap... such as Mensa, summer math camps, or summer gifted camps? Have you looked into the Davidson Young Scholars program for profoundly gifted youth?

Originally Posted by Archie
He isn't a fan of growth mindset thing as he feels it detracts from gifted kids' abilities. It's a big thing at his school and their attitude is that everyone can be great at maths, so therefore he is like everyone else and no better at it.
This sounds a bit like the school is dedicated to equal outcomes for all students... which unfortunately may often be achieved by capping the growth of students at the top.

Originally Posted by Archie
I know he doesn't like that his brother gets equal rights to things, like bedtime and computer time, since he's older.
Could you brainstorm and come up with some privileges which he might be granted due to his age (and/or his good behavior) which his sibling might not also be granted at this time?

Originally Posted by Archie
I guess I'm not after solutions... I guess I just ant to complain about this as I'm getting a lot of anxiety attacks and it's upsetting that my boy is feeling this way and I don't have the mental strength or enough money to give him all that he needs.
A bit of commiseration... you are not alone, many families find that their gifted children (and the educational advocacy which is often required) can be exhausting and isolating. Many parents are living proof that giftedness occurs in every SES and is not solely a contrived condition of wealthy families who can afford 24/7 edutainment (education + entertainment) opportunities for their children.