Originally Posted by JonLaw
Originally Posted by chay
We tested privately which meant that the school only knew what we wanted to share with them (might work if the label part turns out to be a key issue). In our case, we shared the whole report but if the results had not explained things or matched the child or opened doors that we felt were useful we could have kept the results to ourselves.

This is the most important part of dealing with a school bureaucracy.

You only want to give a school helpful and useful (to the child) reports.


You would also have *ALL* of the data and would not have to pull teeth to get more than a broad summary.

Bear in mind the fact that you don't have to share *ANY* data with the school if it will not help your child.

With respect to labeling, this will likely happen anyway once formal schooling begins but armed with facts you will be better able to navigate the shoals.


Last edited by madeinuk; 07/30/17 07:40 PM.

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